Break Free

Shwetha Sivaraman
2 min readApr 19, 2021

What would it feel like to break free and be free?

To not have to think about what they would say,

But to do as one deems fit, carefree.

To not worry about what-ifs and if only,

But to just be present at the moment.

To not be afraid to make mistakes and fail,

But to have fun and take both ups and downs in stride.

To not take oneself so seriously and expect perfection,

But to go with the flow and just be.

B-E- All of two letters,

But packed with so much depth and meaning.

To BE is to breathe easy,

To BE is to live in the present,

To BE is to have unconditional self-acceptance

To BE is to express oneself freely without censoring

To BE is to be involved in life, every moment, every breath,

Time to break free,

From the prison of my own thoughts.

Time to break free,

From the shackles of imagined fears.

Time to break free,

From the chains of anxieties and worries.

Time to break free,

From the burden of unrealistic expectations.

Time to break free,

From the ironclad need for control.

Time to break free,

From self-imposed limiting beliefs.

Time to break free and just be.

Time to break free and just be.

Shwetha Sivaraman, is an entrepreneur, podcaster, and life coach at Being Meraklis, a community dedicated to inspire and impact people to live life to the fullest.

Originally published at on April 19, 2021.



Shwetha Sivaraman

Writer, Podcaster, Marketer, and Dreamer. Passionate about the written word, life, and travel.